Best Trails in and around the Chamonix Valley
Chamonix is a hiking and trail running paradise, featuring beautiful glaciers, waterfalls, lakes, refuges, snack bars and amazing trails connecting them all. With so much to see and do, it can be challenging to find a trail that is suitable for your preferences. To help you out we have created a number of trail categories and hand-picked the best trails in and around Chamonix for each of these categories:
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We are building the biggest database of Hiking and Trail Running trails in and around the Chamonix Valley. You can use the form below to do a detailed search to find a trail that suits your exact specifications. If you want to see all the trails we have in our database then simply press Show All Trails.
Trail Length (km)
Hiking Time (hr)
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Running Time (hr)
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We have two other ways for you to find the best hiking and trail running trails in and around Chamonix. The first is our database of Points of Interests in and around Chamonix. These are the main sights and attractions that Chamonix has to offer. For each of these attractions, we will provide detailed descriptions, pictures and a list of trails that can take you there. This is a great way of making sure you get to visit all the best sights and attractions in Chamonix. The second way of finding your perfect trail, is to have a look at our Chamonix photo database. These photos are all ranked, geo-located and tagged for different properties. A picture says more than a thousand words so if you see a picture you like then you can easily find the trail that will take you to the location where the picture was taken.