Nearest Town


War Monument



This monument for the fallen heroes of Servoz during the first World War stands in the center of Servoz. It is located near the central roundabout and next to the Town Hall. The biggest church in Servoz, the Eglise Saint-Loup is also very nearby. What stands out are the 4 large artillery shells that mark the 4 corners of the monument.
War Monument Servoz Photos
Below are all the photos we have in our Chamonix Photos collection for this point of interest. All our photos are tagged with the GPS coordinates and linked to the trails that you can take to find the location where the photo was taken. So if you want to see the full details for a specific photo then just click on it.
Hiking & Running Trails to War Monument Servoz
Sorry, at this time there are no linked trails or points of interest in our system.
Points of Interests near War Monument Servoz
Where is War Monument Servoz?
​Below you will find the location of War Monument Servoz on the map. You can also click the button to show the nearby trails and points of interests that are listed above on the same map. Another option is to visit our interactive map that shows War Monument Servoz and everything else that is listed on our website.
Looking for more Statues and Monuments?
War Monument Servoz is only one of many monuments and statues around Chamonix. We got many more we would love to show you and many more you should visit! To view all the other monuments and statues we cover on our website, you can visit our Monuments and Statues around Chamonix page or view all the monuments and statues around Chamonix on our interactive map
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